5 Advantages of Respite for Primary Carers
This week is National Carers Week, a time to acknowledge, celebrate and appreciate the 2.65 million unpaid Australian carers who look after friends or family who need assistance due to disability, illness or ageing. But who is caring for the carers?...
Why companionship is so good for your mental health
With World Mental Health Day just a few days ago, the topic of mental health and its implications on the individual as...
12 Lesser Known Facts About Cerebral Palsy
Sunday 6 October is World Cerebral Palsy Day. To help raise awareness and spread information on the condition, we are sharing some...
The increasing trend of using carer’s leave to care for elderly parents
Like many other developed Western nations, Australia’s population is ageing. This is largely due to Australians having fewer children, combined with...
Social Carer stories: Stuart’s Like Family journey
Like Family has a network of 3,200+ Social Carers (support workers) who are making a difference in their communities, every day....