What is a registered NDIS provider?

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A registered NDIS provider is an individual or organisation, such as Like Family, who delivers a form of support to a participant of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They play a major role in delivering supports and services that enable participants to achieve their goals.

Participants may prefer registered NDIS providers because it means they met certain strict requirements regarding qualifications, approvals, experience and capacity for approved supports.

So if you're new to the NDIS, read on to learn what these providers are and how they can help you achieve your goals.

What does it take to become a registered NDIS provider?

The NDIS Commission outlines 5 steps to register as a new provider. This includes a self-assessment against NDIS Practice Standards, a comprehensive audit and a suitability assessment by the NDIS Commission.

To become registered (and maintain registration), the applicant must meet a series of strict requirements including:

  • complying with the conditions of registration outlined in their certificate of registration
  • complying with the NDIS Code of Conduct
  • fulfilling worker screening requirements
  • having an in-house incident management system, and notifying the NDIS Commission about any reportable incidents

These registration requirements will depend on the applicant's size, scale and type of supports and services. In other words, providers with a handful of workers will be required to show a different level of evidence compared to a provider that has thousands of workers across the country.

What's the difference between unregistered and registered NDIS providers?

A blue and red mail box next to each other
Photo by Suzi Kim / Unsplash

As the name suggests, unregistered providers have not been verified by the NDIS Commission. They do not have to adhere to the quality and safeguards requirements of the NDIS Commission, and are not subject to the price limits outlined in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

Some unregistered providers include small businesses managed by families or local operators who often provide lower risk supports, like gardening. They may not have the time, money or need to undergo the registration process.

Although unregistered providers do not need to meet the same requirements as their registered counterparts, they must still comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Who can use a registered NDIS provider?

There are three ways you can manage your NDIS plan:

  • NDIA (agency) managed
  • Self-managed
  • Plan-managed

If you are NDIA managed, then you can only use registered NDIS providers. However, if you are plan managed or self-managed, then you can use any provider. This is particularly useful if you live in rural areas where there are fewer providers to choose from.

Is Like Family a registered NDIS provider?

Yes, we are! This means we can provide social support services to agency, plan managed and self-managed participants. We provide our services across a number of different NDIS support categories:

  • Core Supports – Assistance with Daily Life
  • Core Supports – Assistance with Social and Community Participation
  • Capacity Building Supports – Improved Social and Community Participation
  • Capacity Building Supports – Improved Daily Living
  • Capacity Building Supports – Improved Health and Wellbeing

Join Like Family today

Like Family is passionate about helping our Members to reach their goals, and are on a mission to end loneliness in the community for any reason such as ageing, disability or illness. We have Social Carers (support workers) from various experiences and backgrounds – in fact, our Social Carers combined now speak 149 different languages! Social Carers also bring varied education and skill sets, so you can find not only someone who has similar interests to you or your loved one receiving support, but will also be able to find someone with the skills or experience you need.

Social Carers can help you to learn new skills such as computer skills or music, they can help you with exercise such as tennis or yoga, they can help practice your speech, help you write your resume if you are looking for employment, recipe tutorials, dancing tutorials or event buddies – whatever you need!

If you or your loved one are looking for support to improve your quality of life or reach your goals, then Like Family may be exactly what you are looking for. We offer affordable rates, and have thoroughly vetted Social Carers based throughout New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. Sign up as a Member to discover why we have received over 100 five-star ratings on Google reviews from our customers.

Are you unsure about how you can use your NDIS plan with Like Family? Get in touch with our friendly team and we would be happy to assist. Call us anytime on 1800 545 332 or alternatively you can complete this form.