The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian Government initiative that provides funding and support to people with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS enables Australians with permanent and significant disabilities to access the necessary support they need to live an ordinary life.

The “Assistance with social and community participation” NDIS support category in particular provides people with disability the opportunity to engage in meaningful activities within their local communities. These activities are designed to promote inclusion, increase social connections and build self-confidence. They can allow participants to take part in fun activities, learn new skills or join clubs or groups that share similar interests.

Here's a closer look at how NDIS community participation activities can boost your sense of inclusion.

Types of NDIS community participation activities

Social and community participation activities can be a great way to connect with others and make new friends. They can also help improve your social and emotional well-being. Activities can vary from person to person, but may include things like:

  • Visiting friends and family
  • Going out to the movies or concerts
  • Having fun, like shopping or going to a museum
  • Taking up an active hobby, like biking or dancing
  • Playing sports, like tennis or basketball
  • Learning new skills, like taking an art class

Get involved with NDIS community participation activities

Joining NDIS community participation activities is a great way to stay connected and engaged with your local community. In order to get involved, you must first register to become an NDIS participant. You can apply online or contact your state or territory’s NDIS office directly for assistance.

Once registered, you will be given access to services such as planning meetings, which will help you identify what type of activities are best suited for you or your family member's needs. You can then use this information when searching for suitable activities within your local area through online resources such as the NDIS Provider Directory or by contacting relevant organisations directly.

Find community participation activities relevant to your needs

group of athletic women in running shoes climbing a trail in the forest
Photo by Greg Rosenke / Unsplash

Through the NDIS, participants can access a range of services including social and recreational activities, education, skill-building opportunities and more. These activities are provided by registered providers who understand the needs of those living with disability, helping ensure that participants feel included and connected to their local communities.

By taking part in these activities, participants are able to develop meaningful relationships and build networks of support within their local area, gain skills for independent living and boost their sense of belonging. NDIS-funded activities can also help people with disability to develop new interests, furthering their personal growth and increasing their confidence.

If you or someone you know is living with a disability and would like support finding suitable NDIS community participation activities, contact your nearest NDIS office today or speak to your service provider for more information.

Access community participation activities via NDIS providers

NDIS registered providers like Like Family can help you or a loved one participate in a range of community activities by matching you with a support worker. A support worker can help you get out and about, play sports, do arts and craft together and much more.

It's important to find and hire the right NDIS support worker, not just any support worker. Look for someone who has similar hobbies and interests, is reliable, and who has experience working with people with the same disability. It'll make participating in the community easier, and much more fun!

How the NDIS creates a sense of community and cohesion

One way the NDIS works to promote inclusion is by creating opportunities for social interaction through peer-support programs. These programs help build connections between people living with disability and their peers, providing them with access to resources, advice, and emotional support. Additionally, NDIS community participation activities provide meaningful experiences and opportunities for growth through learning important life skills such as communication, problem-solving and making positive life choices.

The NDIS also facilitates additional community-building activities through its Community Connector program which supports local organisations in facilitating group activities such as sports or creative classes. This allows participants to attend regular events where they can come together as a group to take part in recreational or educational pursuits outside of their usual care arrangements. The purpose of these activities is to help participants build relationships within their local community while increasing self-esteem and developing their skillset.

By leveraging the power of technology combined with meaningful face-to-face interactions through recreational activities and support networks, the NDIS is able to achieve its mission of helping individuals living with disability to gain access to inclusive services that increase social cohesion within their communities - ultimately resulting in increased independence and improved quality of life for all involved.

Like Family NDIS support services

A Social Carer and Member take a selfie at Sydney Harbour
Social Carer Philip with a Like Family Member

At Like Family, we understand how vital it is for people with disability to engage in meaningful social and community activities that will improve their quality of life and boost their sense of belonging.

Our NDIS-approved Social Carers (support workers) can help you or a loved one participate in a range of activities, like meal preparation, exercise, transportation arts & craft, and a buddy for social events. We provide social support in many parts of NSW, Queensland and Victoria (and even online). Plus, our rates are 20% below the NDIS price guide for social supports, helping you to get more hours out of your social and community participation support budget.

View our NDIS Disability Support Services today!