Say hello to Jessica, our Social Carer of the Month! Jessica is a mother of 4 from Sydney who has a passion for singing, camping, and supporting others. Although she hasn't been a Carer with us for long, she's helped out with some pretty amazing Activities. This is her story.

Meet Jessica, our Social Carer for the month!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hello! I’m Jessica! My life has taken me on an extraordinary journey, learning a lot through different careers and experiences. After having my 4th child, I wanted to venture from early education to supporting others. I have a passion for all things within the ocean and all things camping. I love creating and singing!

But above all, my favourite thing is sitting down with a cup of coffee and listening to others, as every day I learn something new! It has been an amazing time supporting Members through Like Family.

2. How did you hear about Like Family?

Just good old Google! I took a chance by applying.

Two women sitting in a restaurant enjoying yum cha
Jessica enjoying a meal with Like Family Member Monica

3. What does a typical day working with Like Family look like?

My typical day starts with getting the children ready for school! I drive to my booking, greet everyone and make sure they are comfortable with me entering their home. I always go through what the Member is wanting for the day. If tasks are done within time, we have a chat, go for a walk, or anything else they would like do. Then I thank the Member for their time, confirm when our next booking will be and say a nice goodbye! There's usually a hug at the end (always asking permission first), then I pick up the kids, go to gym, have dinner and bedtime routine!

4. What's the coolest Activity you've done with a Member?

The coolest activity I have done with a Member is venture down to Melbourne for powerchair football training! It was the most amazing experience. It inspired me and I would love to get more involved with the sport!

Abdullah is sitting in his lime green powerchair between two people crouching.
Jessica accompanied Member Abdullah to his powerchair football championship in Melbourne

Day to day bookings have always brought me joy. Being welcomed into someone's home, completing tasks for another person or sharing an experiences with them is very rewarding.

A memorable experience I have had is when a Member wanted support organising one of the rooms within their household. Going through old photos and being able to listen to their journey through life was a special moment to me.

5. Favourite movie or TV show?

My favourite would have to be anything to do with documentaries! At the moment I’m watching Wild Croc Territory on Netflix.

6. Favourite holiday destination?

My favourite holiday destination is Bendalong because I get to feed stingrays down at the beach.

Jessica and her family wearing ski gear at the snow

7. What would you say to people thinking about becoming a Social Carer?

Life brings up and downs but leaving that outside of work is incredibly important to our Members because everyone is going through their own journey. So just be 100% there for the person you are supporting!

Patience and kind open communication is everything. Like Family have a great support system and can answer any question I need help with.

Would you like to nominate someone to be our next Social Carer of the month? Or are you a Social Carer with an interesting story to share? Apply here!