Like Family is a platform that allows you to connect with locals from your community.
You can book supports including;
- help with groceries
- life administration,
- housework or domestic assistance,
- cooking & meal preparation,
- going on outings,
- getting errands done,
- help with gardening,
- help with cleaning,
- learning new skills.
People who use Like Family are looking to;
- continue living independently at home,
- maintain their dignity,
- feel supported by a friend or neighbour rather than a "support worker",
- use their Home Care Package, NDIS or other types of government funding,
- maximise the number of hours of supports they receive in their budget.
Get more done for less.
Every Social Carer goes through a rigorous vetting process, and we only approve people we'd want looking after our own families.
The unique values of Like Family are:
- Our rates start at $50 per hour, which enables people to extend the hours of support they receive in their budget.
- Find someone you get along with. We can match you with a local who shares similar interests, hobbies, language and more.
- As a marketplace focused on non-medical services, our workforce is unique and composed of locals who are passionate about helping their neighbours.
- Our Coordinator feature enables you to manage all of your customers under 1 login.
- We also offer support services over the phone and/or video which can be less than 1 hour.
- Our Support team can help people with finding the perfect match on
1800 545 332