8 great ways to set and achieve your goals in 2024

Starting 2024 with a bunch of New Year's resolutions on your list? Same here!

Trying something new or building healthier habits isn’t easy. Often, getting started is the hardest part. But that’s where the magic of goal setting kicks in. It’s not just about wishing for something; it’s about crafting a plan to make it happen.

In this blog, we're uncovering 8 fantastic ways to not just set those ambitious goals, but actually smash them out of the park. Whether you're aiming to land your first job, expand your social circle, or master a new hobby, these strategies will guide you on your journey to success.

Let's make this year the one where you turn "I wish" into "I did"!

1. Set a realistic and achievable goal

Have you heard of SMART goals before? If so, you'll remember that good goals are meant to achievable. If you choose a New Year's resolution that's way too ambitious, you're just setting yourself up for failure.

Start by setting a realistic goal, then add a "stretch goal" for extra motivation. For example, your goal might be to learn how to cook spaghetti bolognese by yourself. A stretch goal could be to cook a more difficult dish, like lasagna.

2. Figure out how to measure success

To set yourself up for success, you need to know what success looks like. It could be something numerical (like your daily average step count), qualitative (like getting a good review) or a specific outcome (like getting a degree).

Next, decide how you will track success. You could use an app (like Apple Health), a calendar, a journal or anything else that you'll use regularly.

Your goal could be learning to play tennis

3. Define your "why"

Why are you setting this goal in the first place? Do you want to get out of your comfort zone? Live life on your own terms?

By putting the why next to your goal, you have a reason to keep going, even when it feels impossible. Don't just say, "I want to go on weekly hikes". Say, "I want to on weekly hikes so I can feel healthier and get in touch with nature".

4. Find a goal buddy

You don't have to work towards your goals on your own! Find a friend, family member or support worker who will be your personal cheer squad.

They could work towards the same goal as you, help you form good habits or simply check in every week to make sure you're on track.

5. Set a due date

Good goals should be time-bound. Set a "due date" to help you track your progress and stick to your goal. Without a due date, you could fall into the trap of constantly saying "I'll start tomorrow".

Your due date could be something arbitrary but achievable (go an overseas trip by June 2024) or could align with an actual event (run the City2Surf in under 90 minutes). Just be careful not to set a date that's too far in the future, or it will be harder to achieve.

6. Break your goal down into sub-goals

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

Just like eating pizza one slice at a time, you should break down your big goals into more manageable chunks. This will make your journey less overwhelming, and allow you to celebrate the little wins (not just the big one at the end!).

You may like to set due dates for each of your sub-goals to ensure you're on track to hit the main one!

7. Hold yourself accountable

Find ways to make sure you stick to your goal. This might be as simple as printing it out and putting it on the fridge, setting a phone reminder or getting your support worker to hold you accountable every time you meet up.

8. Don't give up!

Sometimes, there will be days when you feel like giving up. Maybe it's raining outside, you have a busy week ahead, or you're running on 4 hours of sleep.

Don't let this let you down.

Be persistent and stick to it. We all lose motivation or don’t quite hit a success marker on our journey but being persistent will help.

Achieve your 2024 goals with Like Family

At Like Family, we're here to help our Members achieve their goals, no matter how big or small. Whether you want to make new friends, learn a musical instrument, or cook your own meals, our support workers will cheer you on every step of the way.

Sign up today to get started!