Tips for new Like Family Social Carers

If you have recently come on board as a new Social Carer, congratulations and welcome to the family!

Social Carers are incredible people who are looking to provide companionship and make a positive change in their community. Becoming a Social Carer provides far more than just flexible work with a good hourly pay rate. Helping people achieve their goals is one of the most rewarding experiences in life! Here are a few important reminders and tips to get you started.

Before your profile is activated

Finalise your profile

Completing your profile includes ensuring that you have uploaded any relevant documents or information, like your ABN, bank details, and 3 references. The more tasks you complete, the more work opportunities you will get access to!

Making a great first impression and establishing expectations for Members is really important, so make sure you invest time into perfecting your Social Carer profile. Don’t be shy - your skills, experience and personality need to shine through as best as possible!

Provide 3 references

In the references section of your profile, you'll need to provide two character references and one employment reference. At least two of these need to respond to us before we can activate your profile. Make sure the emails that you provide are correct, otherwise notify us if you change the details for one of your references, so that we know to send them an email.

Complete the COVID-19 Infection Control Module

This module is by the Department of Health and is mandatory for anyone who works in healthcare settings. You'll learn about the fundamentals of infection prevention and control of COVID-19. You will need to complete this module, in addition to uploading your proof of COVID-19 vaccination, before your profile can be activated.

After your profile is activated

Download the Like Family mobile app

Having the Like Family mobile app installed helps you out in a number of ways. For example, it is much more practical to confirm your hours with the Member and complete bookings using the app; allowing you to do so quickly, rather than needing to wait. You will need to complete your booking, in order for your payment to be processed!

Befriend other Social Carers in your area

When you are friends with other Social Carers based in the same area as you, not only are you making new friends (already a win), but you also then both have the benefit of being a backup for each other. Clients value continuity of care, so having a backup Social Carer that your client is confident in will provide a safety net for everyone, in case someone is on holidays, has other commitments, or cannot attend a mission for whatever reason.

Keep your availability up to date

It's important to regularly update your availability via the Like Family dashboard or mobile app. This includes marking yourself as invisible when you don't have capacity to take on another Member. This ensures that Members don't reach out to you for support if you're not available.

Notify Members when you aren't able to continue working with them

It is really important for you to let Members know in advance if you are unable to work with them anymore. If you need to cancel more than one booking, please find another Social Carer to take your place - or contact the Like Family team so that they can contact someone else. Some Members have particular needs, and it can take time to arrange a replacement!

Post your own Activity to find more work

We've recently launched a new feature that allows Social Carers to post their own Activities. This is a great way to show off your unique skills and meet new Members. You could post about a trip to the zoo, an arts & craft session, help with grocery shopping — it's up to you and your imagination!

Smile and have fun

Being a Social Carer is about helping people achieve their goals, making them feel comfortable and supported by someone with similar interests, and having a great time together. Remember to smile, have fun, and listen to your client for their thoughts and needs. For tips around communicating with a friend, client or customer who has a disability, check out our article on disability etiquette.

Already a Social Carer? If you would like more information about getting set up as a Social Carer and being ready for bookings, make sure to check out the Like Family Help Centre.

Are you considering becoming a Social Carer? Like Family is on a mission to end loneliness and build more inclusive communities. Come join us on our mission and you could change people’s lives for the better – as well as yours! Here is a link for additional information on becoming a Social Carer.

Need someone to answer your questions? Call our friendly customer service team from Monday-Friday 8am-6pm on 1800 545 332.