Meet the Family: Mel

Say hello to Mel, our Social Carer of the Month! You may have seen her friendly face at a Social Carer induction or one of our virtual Games Nights. She tells us about why she became a Social Carer, what she's learned, and where you'll catch her during her holiday break.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself!

I love making new friends! As a children's entertainer, hanging out with my young friends is where I feel at home! I draw on my Psychology degrees to find ways to connect with, help and encourage those I am lucky enough to journey with and support. I sing, dance, act and play instruments. Books and poems are a daily part of my life and I love storytelling. As a Venturer Leader in the Scouting movement for 10 years, I have hung out with teenagers from 14 to 18 years old and hike, bike, rock climb and do all that outdoorsy stuff. I also enjoy trying new things and am always ready for an adventure.

2. How did you hear about Like Family?

Like Family came up on my Facebook feed in 2020 I and I thought what a wonderful way to make a difference in someone's world!

3. What does a typical day working with Like Family look like?

Nothing is ever typical haha! Somedays I am running inductions for Like Family helping to find awesome carers for those looking for support. Other days I can be doing homework, reading, helping with language, social skills and of course playing games and having fun.

4. What's the main thing you've learned since becoming a Social Carer?

Being in the moment and having an hour to entirely focus on that person can make all the difference in the world. I have a little friend who is 5 years old and he just learned how to ride a bike. I let him lead and we went on an adventure, while actually going about 2 kilometres his imagination took over and we were going to the zoo. We sang songs, we changed songs, and we walked like elephants, swam like seals all the way there and back. Imagine having someone's full attention, no phone and no interruptions. I hope he felt as special as I did going to the imaginary zoo.

5. Favourite movie or TV show?

Goodness! I don't watch a lot but my favourite book is The Count of Monte Cristo!

6. Favourite holiday destination?

Any beach under a warm sun with no wifi would be best!

7. What would you say to people thinking about becoming a Social Carer?

It's a very rewarding job - just don't forget to care for yourself while you're caring for others!

Would you like to nominate someone to be our next Social Carer of the month? Or are you a Social Carer with an interesting story to share? Apply here!